Seamlessly break and homogenize wet materials with our Lump Breaker, ensuring consistent quality and optimal processing outcomes.
"SREENEX" Lump breaker are used to reduce lumps in chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods, agricultural feeds, pet food, aggregates, and other materials, to a consistent size. You can use a lump breaker to solve many processing problems, including preparing your material for conveying, breaking up agglomerates, and reducing your material for further processing.
Breaking up Agglomerates Material that is stored can become compacted and/or agglomerated. For instance, bagged powders can form lumps or even be one solid lump in the lower layers, when stored on a pallet. Hygroscopic material, such as cement, can agglomerate on silo walls from exposure to humidity in the air.
Reducing Your Material for further processing crushing lumps can prepare your material for secondary size reduction, by increasing the material’s surface area to improve efficiency for drying or for better mixing. Proper sizing can improve your material’s flow characteristics while reducing segregation.
A properly selected Lump breaker can reduce heat build-up in your material while reducing the size and horsepower of downstream equipment. Crushing off-spec material can eliminate waste and increase overall revenue.
SLB 129 | 7.5 HP | 100 – 500 Kgs |